Application form
이름 First Name
Middle & Last Name
사진, 이력서 Recent Picture/Resume
Would you leave your google link including Picture/Resume? If you have Refer. Letter/Work Experience Certi./Passport/ARC(front/back), that would be perfect! ★ google link is ideal, otherwise plz, emai
소개영상 Self Introduction/Demo Teaching Video Link
2-3mins long including your teaching philosophy and teaching experience and etc what you want to say would be enough. ★
국적 Nationality
국내/해외 Current Location
현주소 Current Address
근무희망일 Preferred Starting Date
i.e. ASAP/March 2021/1 December 2020
지원지역 Working Area I apply
N=North, S=South
선호지역 Preferred Working Area in Detail
생년월일 Date of Birth / 출생지 Place of Birth
YYYY/MM/DD / Country
성별 Gender
경력 Teaching Experience
Full Time teaching
경력 Teaching Experience
students' age, subject, period / education, childeren, english, nursery or any teaching experience
자격사항 Certifications
최종학력 Education Level
대학교 University (Bachelor) & 전공(Major) / 소재지 Location(Country)
대학원 University (Master) & 전공(Major) / 소재지 Location(Country)
서류유무 Do you have a copy of degree with Apostille and notarized Criminal Record Check with Apostiille
Required of all applicants except D10 transferred from E2 and current E2 visa holders. ★ CRC is valid for 6months after issuing.
서류일정 Document Status
If any of document above is not ready, please describe status.
비자 Visa Type in Korea
Question for korea visa or passport holders.
계약종료일 Contract End Day
Question for E2, F4, F6 visa holders
지원대상 Do you mind teaching kindergartners?
Kinder: under 8years old/Elementary: 8-13(Korean age)
추가정보 Additional Comment
★Are you a couple applicants or single? If so, what is your fiancé's name? ★What will you focus on when you decide your new job? ★Philosophy of Education ★Korean/Other Language Ability
인터뷰가능시간 Preferred Interview Time in KST
KST(Korean Standard Time, Seoul)
종교 및 질병 유무 Religion/Belief/Health
Do you believe in religion or belief that makes you cannot actively engage in work/events such as Christmas/Halloween costume party or Annual meeting with parents? Do you have a chronic disease?
Expected Salary 희망 급여
How much do you expect(min)? Would you also leave latest Compensation/WorkingHours/Teaching Hours/Name of Academy/Location(Campus Name)
Preffered Job Number
Skype ID
Phone No.
Kakao ID
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Where have you known Whizz from?
Please answer whether you have any 'yes' for the answer of question no. 6-9 on the E-2 Applicant’s Health Statement